From mutantmoose*nospam–(at)– Mon Jan 26 18:49:12 CST 1998
Article: 82232 of alt.guitar.amps
From: “Mutantmoose”
Newsgroups: alt.guitar.amps
Subject: Re: Deluxe Reverb vibrato noise help!
Date: 25 Jan 1998 16:42:38 GMT
Organization: Preferred Company
Lines: 52
Message-ID: <6afq1u$pc--(at)>
References: <01bd2917$fce080c0$5b775ac--(at)--ike>
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1157
Xref: alt.guitar.amps:82232

The official Fender solution (Service Bulletin number 9)
“The ticking cuased by the Vibrato is caused by improper lead dress.

It can almost be “cured” by connecting a .01 mfd 600 volt mylar capacitor
on the 10 meg ohm resistor in the vibrato circuit. this resistor is located
on the parts panel. Remove capacitor across the 10 meg ohm resistor (old
modification) if in place.”

(That is, run the cap from the junction of the 10 meg resistor and the
optoisolator to ground.)

“If this does not produce the desired results, then the leads shoul dbe
dressed as follows and excessive lengths shortened.

1. Dress the leads to the vibrato speed and intensity controls away from
the tone controls and filter leads.

2. “Bunch” the leads to the components on the parts panel which connect to
the tube socket of the 7025 (12AX7) vibrato tube.”

Hope this helps!


you know the routine, remove -nospam to reply

Mike wrote in article
> I just picked up an older (blackface) Fender Deluxe Reverb. There is a
> slight “ticking” noise associated with the vibrato circuit. The “ticking”
> changes with the speed pot. I figure it might be a 12AX7A tube that’s
> bad, or a bad capacitor. This amp has one of each – volume, treble, bass,
> reverb, speed, and intensity knob, on the vibrato channel. The normal
> channel has 3 knobs, volume, treble, and bass. I picked up this amp at
> Columbus, Ohio Winter Guitar Expo last week. It’s in “WELL USED” shape,
> it has the tone! I’ll need to pick up as book of schematics for Fender
> (I also have a silverface VibroChamp and a SS Harvard Reverb II), can
> anyone offer a suggestion on which publication to get?
> In case your interested, I paid $400 with foot switches and cover.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> (NO_SPAM)cybermg–(at)–


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